Last updated: March 25, 2022
As we all know, replicas are bad! See our post about The Big Frocking Replica Debate for more info. But there are so many out there, and some of them have gotten really good at looking like the real thing.
So for this week, we present to you a list of known replicas out there! Since this started out as just an Angelic Pretty replica list, there are a lot of Angelic Pretty releases on here. It will be updated from time to time so you can check back to see if there’s updates!
A lot of replicas still have awful quality, so you do not need to worry too much. However, we have added a third column which indicates whether it may be close enough in quality to the real thing that you may want to do a more in-depth check.
For Angelic Pretty replicas in particular, the more realistic looking ones may have fake Angelic Pretty brand tags and fake wash tags sewn in, or even have real tags sewn into a replica dress. The lace isn’t always the best indicator in cases like this because they replicate the lace too.
Note: This list is incomplete. If something is not on here, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a replica!
Brand | Name | Realistic |
Alice and the Pirates | A Midsummer Night's Dream | |
Alice and the Pirates | The Grace ~Hymn of the Departure~ | |
Angel's Heart | Dream of Arcana (阿尔克纳之梦) | |
Angelic Pretty | British Bear | x |
Angelic Pretty | Castle Mirage | x |
Angelic Pretty | Celestial | x |
Angelic Pretty | Charlotte's Bear | x |
Angelic Pretty | Cherry Marguerite | x |
Angelic Pretty | Chess Chocolate | |
Angelic Pretty | Chess Emblem | x |
Angelic Pretty | Chocolate Rosette | x |
Angelic Pretty | Cosmic | x |
Angelic Pretty | Crystal Dream Carnival | |
Angelic Pretty | Day Dream Carnival | |
Angelic Pretty | Dessert Collection | |
Angelic Pretty | Dolly Dot | |
Angelic Pretty | Dramatic Doll | x |
Angelic Pretty | Dream Doll | x |
Angelic Pretty | Dream Marine | x |
Angelic Pretty | Dream Sky | x |
Angelic Pretty | Dreamy Dollhouse | |
Angelic Pretty | Fairy Marine | x |
Angelic Pretty | Fantasic Dolly | |
Angelic Pretty | Freshly Picked Strawberries | x |
Angelic Pretty | Fruits Parlor | |
Angelic Pretty | Happy Garden | |
Angelic Pretty | Heavenly Cross | x |
Angelic Pretty | Holy Lantern | x |
Angelic Pretty | Holy Theatre | |
Angelic Pretty | Jewelry Snow | x |
Angelic Pretty | Katrina | x |
Angelic Pretty | Kiss Me Cat | |
Angelic Pretty | Little Bear's Cafe | |
Angelic Pretty | Magical Night Theatre | |
Angelic Pretty | Melody Toys | x |
Angelic Pretty | Melty Berry Princess | x |
Angelic Pretty | Melty Chocolate | |
Angelic Pretty | Melty Cream Donut | x |
Angelic Pretty | Melty Ribbon Chocolate | |
Angelic Pretty | Mercator Antique Shop | |
Angelic Pretty | Milky Berry | |
Angelic Pretty | Milky Cross | x |
Angelic Pretty | Milky Planet | |
Angelic Pretty | Milky Swan | x |
Angelic Pretty | Milky-chan the Fawn | |
Angelic Pretty | Miracle Candy | |
Angelic Pretty | Misty Sky | x |
Angelic Pretty | Misty Sky Brilliant Color | x |
Angelic Pretty | Misty Sky Brilliant Color - Daydream | |
Angelic Pretty | Musee du Chocolat | |
Angelic Pretty | Nakayoshi Bunny | |
Angelic Pretty | Otome no Tutu Doll | x |
Angelic Pretty | Perfume of Wonderland | x |
Angelic Pretty | Petit Patisserie | x |
Angelic Pretty | Present Ribbon Pochette | |
Angelic Pretty | Princess Cat | |
Angelic Pretty | Royal Poodle | |
Angelic Pretty | Shanghai Doll | x |
Angelic Pretty | Sheep Garden | |
Angelic Pretty | Stella | x |
Angelic Pretty | Strawberry Whip | x |
Angelic Pretty | Sugar Dream Dome | |
Angelic Pretty | Sugar Hearts | x |
Angelic Pretty | Sugary Carnival | |
Angelic Pretty | Sweetie Violet | x |
Angelic Pretty | Toy Fantasy | x |
Angelic Pretty | Twinkle Ornament | x |
Angelic Pretty | Whimsical Vanilla-Chan | |
Angelic Pretty | Wonder Cookie | |
Angelic Pretty | Wonder Gallery | |
Angelic Pretty | Wrapping Cherry | x |
Atelier Boz | Melias Sundress | |
Atelier Boz | Roland | |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Alice's Chess Print | |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Babydoll JSK | x |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Bless from Michael | |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Bunny Milk and Snow Strawberry | |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Ginger Doll | |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Key to the Heaven Sorella | |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Little Red Riding Hood in the Fairytale Land | |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Maria's Catholic Nun | x |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | SA・KU・RA Celestial Maiden | x |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Usakumya Face Bag | |
Baby, the Stars Shine Bright | Usakumya Pochette | x |
Diamond Honey | Royal Cat's Dance (宫廷舞会猫) | |
Glory Kingdom | The Doll Master (人形师) | |
Grove Deer | Stardust (星屑) | |
Honey Honey | Cat's Astrology (占星猫) | |
Innocent World | Carousel (Merry Go Round) | |
Ista Mori | Nameless Poem (无名诗) | |
Juliette et Justine | Ballerine | x |
Juliette et Justine | Carps Sherique | x |
Mary Magdalene | Ekaterina | |
Mary Magdalene | Saint Claire | |
Moi Meme Moitie | Iron Gate | |
NyaNya | Dreamlike Lace Apple Garden (白羽林檎) | |
Pretty Rock Baby | Strawberry Star (星月草莓) | |
Roji Roji | Heartbeat Socks (心跳) | |
Isn’t this list awfully long?
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