Friday, January 22, 2021

You've Been Posted to an Imageboard. Now What?

“They said I farted at the meetup and that I smell like a hamster...”
It's never a good surprise to realize you've been posted on an imageboard. You're browsing, and next thing you know,you see a picture of yourself with a not so pleasant comment. Maybe some people even seem to agree with it, maybe they're even spreading rumors about how they heard you did ‘this and that’. Now, you might panic at the sight of your reputation being seemingly tarnished, but not to worry, here is what to do:

Step 1: Chill out
Think about it rationally. Those people are more often than not just strangers on the internet that you don't know or care about in the first place (in case you suspect you do know some of them, now is a good time for a cleanup). Would you care if a random passerby thought you looked weird? No? So why care that some random person on the internet thinks your coord is ugly, or that your teeth are crooked? For all you know, they might not even be actual lolitas, and the comments agreeing might even be the same person posing as different people. Point is, it's not always as bad as it seems to be.

Step 2: Thou shalt not whiteknight
When you get posted somewhere, it can be tempting to defend yourself (or whoever has been posted for that matter,especially if it's someone you know and like). Don't do it. Don't even talk about it on social media. All it will do is draw more attention to you and drag this situation out. The more you ignore it, the quicker it'll go away. If you feel the need to talk about it,talk about it with trusted friends (and tell them to not defend you either).

Step 3: Close the tab and move on
I can hear you say "But what if I'm anxious, and keep refreshing and going back to check?" and to that, I raise you this: At the end of the day, no matter what you do, someone will always be talking smack. Here, you just happen to be able to see it. There will always be people that don't like you for seemingly no good reason, but you can't just obsessively check all image boards every single day to make sure nobody is talking about you. That'd be irrational. The best kind of thing to do if you can't keep your eyes away is to find something to occupy your hands and your mind. Play a video game, watch a movie, make art, do something. Image board discussions go by quickly, and in one week no one will even remember it because they’ll have moved on (and so should you).

Extra step: Think about it
Being posted is not always bullying or vendetta. Sometimes it's valid (although harsh) criticism. It all depends on how it is formulated. Sometimes, you need to look at it objectively: Maybe they are right and those shoes could use a little clean up, maybe you should style your hair next time, maybe you should pay more attention so your dress isn't overstuffed or wrinkly, and so on. Even if they come off as rude, some comments can give you something to think about to improve yourself.

That’s about it for now, see you!
- Biscuit -

1 comment:

  1. this is fantastic advice, biscuit! very well said. ♥️
